The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, the official philanthropic organization of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, was established in November 1931, by the late Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I, who was then serving as Archbishop of North and South America.

The members of the National Board of Philoptochos are dedicated church women who offer countless hours to the philanthropic, humanitarian, and Christian mission of the Church. There are 475 Philoptochos chapters in the United States. The structure of the Philoptochos includes the National Board, Metropolitan Boards, and Chapters in every parish of the Archdiocese.

Anyone wishing to seek additional information may contact Connie Petrihos, Chapter President, at 402/345-7103.

Or, visit the National Philoptochos Website to learn more about what it means to a Lady of the Philoptochos.

Provided by the Archdiocese of America Website