On Holy and Great Monday, the Church tells us the parable of the barren fig tree which yields no fruit and is condemned. It is the symbol of those who think only of outward goodness which does not come from the heart. The Gospel also tells about Christs prophecies about the fall of Jerusalem, wars and tribulations, and the end of the world.

On Tuesday, the theme is on the vigilance of the wise virgins (Matthew 25: 1-13) who, unlike their foolish sisters, were ready when the Lord came to them.

The parables of the Ten Virgins and of the Talents remind us how we should always keep watch over our conscience and use in Gods service any gift or talent we have received from Him. And that Judgment Day will be like the situation in which the bridesmaids (or virgins) of the parable found themselves; some ready for it, some not ready.

References by Archdiocese of America, Monachos and the V. Rev. Archimandrite Alexander Kile.