For centuries, the Eastern Orthodox Church has celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony in very much the same way it is celebrated today, full in ritual and symbolism. The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony derives from the belief that marriage exists from Gods creation of the first man and the first woman. As such, the couple does not exchange vows, but is blessed by Christ through the Church and united by the grace of God. Gods grace is imparted to them to live together in His love, mutually fulfilling, and perfecting each other.
During the marriage ceremony, symbolic acts and prayers are performed three times, to magnify the belief of Orthodox Christians in a triune God, who has expressed Himself as God the Father, as God the Son, and as God the Holy Spirit.
The marriage service is celebrated in two rites: The Betrothal and The Wedding Service.
Provided by Mr. and Mrs. Spyridon Meares.