We have now come to the core of the Divine Liturgy. All parts have been designed to lead us up to this most Sacred and eventful moment. We have been present at the Nativity when the Maker of Heaven and Earth entered the universe that He created. We have watched Him, in the Person of Jesus Christ, as He came to the people to preach His sermon of love to a troubled and hopeless world.

He has taught, healed, and performed miracles. He has won followers. Through our participation in the Liturgy, we have followed Him and asked Him to watch over us and heal us and teach us as He did those who lived so many years ago. We have watched the drama unfold as He carried His Cross to Golgotha, the place of His Sacrifice. Here in the form of the Cross, Jesus restored man's relationship with God. And with His Resurrection, He has opened the way for all time for His followers to enter into the Heavenly Kingdom.

But how are we to overcome the difficulties of the journey when He is no longer in our midst? Our Lord and Saviour has not only shown us the way, but He has also given us the spiritual Food to strengthen us on our journey. This spiritual Food is the Gift of the Last Supper. Now begins a dialogue between the Priest and Choir which sets the scene for the Last Supper. The Priest enjoins us to give all our attention so that we may offer the Holy Oblation in Peace.

What is this Holy Oblation offered in peace? It is God's Grace, Love and Mercy which were bestowed upon us in the awesome Sacrifice on the Cross. Jesus died on the Cross to redeem us from the bondage of sin. His Sacrifice was so great that whatever sin we may commit, if we sincerely and penitently ask His forgiveness, we will be saved. This is the Grace that flows from the Cross. God loves His creations - the creatures that He has made - as parents love their children. As parents try to help their children, protect them from injury and harm, welcome them back after they have gone astray, so God loves us.

It is the Communion of the Holy Spirit which we are about to receive. "Let as lift up our hearts!" says the Priest. "We lift them up unto the Lord," the people chant. "Let us give thanks unto the Lord," instructs the Priest. "It is meet and right," we reply. This is one of the most ancient parts of the Liturgy, dating from the very first century.