THE ALTAR (Ieron Veema)

The altar is where the sacrament of the Eucharist or Holy Communion takes place.

The prothesis, a side table to the left, is where bread and wine are prepared for the Consecration.

On the center of the holy altar is kept the tabernacle. The Ten Commandments were kept in the tabernacle in the Old Testament; and in the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Himself dwells in the tabernacle. The church, is thus truly ever present of God in a very real way, and why the Faithful makes the sign of the cross when passing before the holy altar.

The eternal light is a light that suspends above the tabernacle. It constantly burns representing that Christ is present in the tabernacle as the "Light of the World."

The Gospel is on the holy altar where Christ constantly is present as the "Word of Life."

Directly behind the altar is a large wooden cross depicting Christ suffering crucifixion for our salvation.